Having determined the location of where the film will be shot, I now wanted to compile a shot list to determine what shots will be used for the film. This will help me get a better idea of how much filming I need to do, as well as determine the difficulty it will be to film.
For the first scene I wish to create a sense of mystery while the credits roll by using a variety of extreme close ups and close ups of the murder victim. This will help paint a picture of the crime but still leave the audience wondering what happened.
The next scene then will be seen again using a close up of the protagonist picking up the phone, creating a sense of mystery to who the protagonist is, and to what his relationship with the crime is.
The scene after that will then be a medium shot of the protagonist and confidant walking and discussing specifics of the crime. The medium shot will help give the audience an idea of who the protagonist is, and their relationship is to the crime.
Finally, the scene will then cut to a long shot of the murder victim, painting a picture for the audience of what happened and confirming the relationship the protagonist has with the crime. Before cutting between close ups, and medium shots between the protagonist and victim where he's investigating the crime scene.
There will then be another scene after the title rolls, but once again I have struggled planning this scene and therefore have not planned the shots for this scene. I plan on talking about this scene in the next blog post where I finally plan this scene out and finalize my storyboard.