Genre: Comedy
Genre Content: The comedy genre covers any work in film or television whose general purpose is to create humor and intentional laughs for the audience
Genre Production techniques: Timing is everything. The way a comedian delivers the punch line, or how actors deliver their lines, can affect the way the audience responds.
Genre Marketing: Comedy films are marketed through your usual techniques of ads and social media targeting audiences such as families and groups of friends.
Film sample #1 – Anchorman
This film is a comedic film targeted towards adult males that uses timing and different punchlines to give the audience a laugh while portraying a story keeping the audience interested
Film sample #2- Home Alone
This film is a comedic film targeted towards families towards the Christmas times. This movie uses suspense and different effects and comedic timings to give the audience a laugh and truly give to the comedy genre.
2 Anchorman 2
3. Forest Gump
4. Elf
5. Penguins